About Alex 

its all about the intention

Hello, I’M Alex, Charleston BASED PHOTOGRAPHER, TRAVELER AND creative.

My mission is to create beauty and art through photos in such a way that it reveals the love of Jesus to every model, senior, or brand I work with... and to do it while on the hunt for the best tacos I can find. Anyone with me?!

Stuff I Love


Favorite Food


My Husband


My Labradoodle


With the Windows Down


To Anywhere

A clean House


About me

my Story

Middle school is not an envied time to be alive for anyone, but for me, it’s where my story in photography starts. Braces, acne, and my written-on converse starred in my first portrait sessions. I remember my friends would even send their photos to me to edit on the famous “Picnik” online editor back in the day. I continued my love for photos as I grew up and had a passion for capturing my friends with my simple point and shoot (and as time progressed, my phone) through high school.

As a young adult in 2015, I got my first semi-professional camera and brought it everywhere! There wasn’t a moment where I didn’t carry that Canon Rebel and I loved it. To learn how to shoot in manual, I’d snap portraits of my friends any chance I had and began shooting at my church for the student ministry every Wednesday. While I loved it, I was extremely busy outside of that and wasn’t able to give my photography the time it needed to excel... Until 2020! 2020 hit with so many unexpected losses, grievances, and pains - but it also had its sweet moments. For me, I got to build from the ground up my dream of photographing seniors, models, and brands – It provided me space to focus on my preferred style and better my skills for my clients. I now get to reap the aftermath of that season and it’s the best! I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Have a photoshoot idea? Let's get in touch!

Click below to fill out your booking form! I look forward to hearing from you!
Please remember to look out for a response email after filling out your form!